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Cool Runnings

Rating: PG

Movie Release Date: October 1, 1993

DVD Release Date: August 24, 1999

Plot 411: A story loosely based on the true story of the Jamaican bobsled team of 1988.

Review: This is the inspirational tale about the Jamaican bobsled team whose sportsmanship and courage gained them a bit of respect where there previously had only been derision. John Candy plays Irv Blitzer, a former Olympic gold medalist from America. After becoming involved in an Olympic scandal, he goes to Jamaica to retire. He becomes a bookie and wallows in his self-pity. However, when 100 meter sprinter Derice (Leon) is disqualified from the summer Olympics, he and some other friends (Malik Yoba, Doug E. Doug and Rawle D. Lewis) try to pursuade Irv to teach them to bobsled in time for the winter Olympics. Faced with many obstacles, like the lack of snow and inadequate equipment, the team strives to qualify for the Olympics no matter what the cost. Cool Runnings is one of those movies I still remember from my childhood. It had a great impact on me because of its inspirational message - follow your dreams. The heart shown by the team and their concerted effort to succeed is something to which everyone can aspire.

Watch It: If you're facing a new challenge and feel as though the whole world is against you. This'll give you the boost you need to strive toward your goals.

Skip It: If you're sick and tired of Disney's family sports movies like The Mighty Ducks.


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