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D.C. Cab

Rating: R

Movie Release Date: December 16, 1983

DVD Release Date: March 1, 2005

Plot 411: A cab company of delinquents bands together to save one of their own.

Review: This is another one of my co-worker's favorite films, and I gotta agree with him that this is an underrated gem. Adam Baldwin plays Albert, the son of a vet who served with Harold (Max Gail). He comes north to work for Harold at his cab company. The company is barely holding on and its drivers are a bunch of misfits. The drivers include Samson (Mr. T), Tyrone (Charlie Barnett), Dell (Gary Busey), Ophelia (Marsha Warfield), Bob (Bill Maher), Xavier (Paul Rodriguez) and Buddy and Buzzy (Peter and David Barbarian). Despite being with the company for many years, the drivers all dream of their big break someday. With little respect for their job or boss, the drivers simply drift through life doing as they please. However, when Albert and some children are kidnapped, the motley crew joins forces to save their new friend. The movie is classic '80s fare. I mean, c'mon. Mr. T? Can it get better than that? Well, my friend. Let me just tell you that it can . . . and does! This movie is downright funny - from the wardrobe to the hairstyles to the lines. It's unique and completely the best of the cheesy '80s. I am also convinced, after viewing this film, that Busey's act was not an act. It was a portrayal of his real self 25 years before he went on Celebrity Rehab. How could people not recognize the signs?

Watch It: To see Mr. T's pimped out cab.

Skip It: If the thought men in brightly colored clothes gives you the shivers.


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