Movie Addicts Club is a movie review blog that discusses all genres of film. You'll find the latest hipster indie flick, summer blockbusters, silent screen gems and everything in between. We watch and review everything.


Rating: Not Rated

Movie Release Date: August 16, 2007 (Russia) / February 8, 2008 (USA)

DVD Release Date: March 25, 2008

Plot 411: A bunch of Americans visit their Irish friend for a (drug) trip of a lifetime.

Review: The plot looked stupid. The trailer reinforced the stupidity. But I still watched this movie anyway. Why, oh why did I do that? Oh yeah, because Robert Hoffman was in it so I figured I'd give it the benefit of the doubt. Oh well, so much for optimism. Given that his name was pretty much last in the list of credits, the dude didn't last very long and wasn't a very likable character anyway. A group of five American students visit their friend Jake (Jack Huston) in Ireland. Jake takes them into the woods to pick some mushrooms in preparation for the trip of a lifetime. Unfortunately, Tara (Lindsey Haun) ingests a lethal mushroom that causes seizures and auditory and visual hallucinations. She sees the local folklore and urban legends about a boys' reformatory come to life when the sadistic monk, lonely twin and feral child go on a killing rampage. As the evil presence nears, her friends begin to die right before her. Can they escape before it's too late? This movie tried to put drugs, raunchy teens and a ghost story into a nice, neat package for that specific segment of viewers. I don't think even they were fooled into believing this was a good movie.

Watch It: If you've already cleaned your house and car, paid off all your bills, taken out the trash and crocheted a baby blanket. Then, and only then, it might be worth the viewing.

Skip It: Because it's a horrible example of a slasher flick.


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