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Tuesdays With Morrie

Rating: Not Rated

Movie Release Date: December 5, 1999

DVD Release Date: July 1, 2003

Plot 411: A sports reporter finds out his college professor is dying and visits him every Tuesday to learn poignant life lessons.

Review: Morrie Schwartz (Jack Lemmon) is an unconventional sociology professor who has impacted the lives of many of his students. One of these students is Mitch (Hank Azaria), who. despite making a promise at graduation to keep in touch with Morrie, finds that 16 years has passed and Morrie is dying. Mitch feels guilty for failing to keep his promise, but his life as a traveling sports reporter is hectic enough as it is. He barely has time for his girlfriend so where is he going to find time for an ex-teacher? However, once he pulls himself away from work to visit Morrie, he inhales as much of Morrie's wisdom as he can. The two friends meet every Tuesday and Mitch learns about life, love, dying, fear and all of the other big topics. It's his final semester with his professor, and the final exam is not to be done within a two-hour timeframe. It is to be completed for the rest of his life. This was a wonderful movie about life and appreciating everything that makes it up. Even though the plot dealt with a dying man, the message behind this film (and book) is about truly living. Lemmon and Azaria have a natural chemistry on screen that makes their professor/student relationship very believable.

Watch It: For an inspirational film about opening up your heart to love in all of its forms.

Skip It: Because it's a real tearjerker that'll tug at your heartstrings.


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