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Roman Holiday

Rating: Unrated

Movie Release Date: September 2, 1953

DVD Release Date: November 11, 2008

Plot 411: A princess flees her responsiblities, if only for a day or two, to experience the real Rome with an American expatriate.

Review: This is one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies because she is believable as both a princess and a commoner. Her stately, regal gestures when she is performing royal duties are so graceful and delicate, yet when she is able to let her hair down (and cut it off) we find that she is delightfully full of life. Her costumes are great, especially her intricate dresses. Her co-star in this film is Gregory Peck, who plays a reporter chasing an exclusive story. He's a bit slick in the beginning as he tries to further his career, but since this is a romantic comedy he, of course, sees the errors of his ways in the end. Hepburn and Peck have great chemistry together and their interactions appear quite genuine. However, he does look a lot older than her, especially because she is so pixie-like. I'm not sure the two actors would be paired in this day and age, but it seems to work for the '50s.

Watch It: To fall in love with Hepburn and Rome.

Skip It: If you loved her as Holly Golightly. This is a completely different movie.



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