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Definitely, Maybe

Rating: PG-13

Movie Release Date: February 14, 2008

DVD Release Date: June 24, 2008

Plot 411: A dad tells his daughter the real story of how he fell in love with her mother, but it's complicated.

Review: Will (Ryan Reynolds) is in the process of divorcing his wife when his daughter Maya (Abigail Breslin) asks him to tell her the story of how he met her mother. Besides being intrigued by what happened, Maya also hopes this will reunite her parents. Will decides to change all the names and some of the things that happen in this retelling, forcing Maya (and the audience) to guess which woman is her mother. As the story goes, Will has three relationships with women who could possibly be Maya's mother: his college sweetheart (Elizabeth Banks), a journalist (Rachel Weisz) and his best friend (Isla Fisher). As the tale unfolds, things get more and more complicated but Maya is determined to figure out who her mother is. This film took a unique stab at the rom com genre and actually made it a lot more interesting. Because of how the plot, the audience really becomes invested in the characters - if not for Will's sake but for Maya's. As each piece of the puzzle is revealed, your anticipation mounts. I also enjoyed the twists and turns of how each relationship played out. While some things were still predictable, many aspects of the relationships were utterly true to the real world. Rather than wrap things up nicely, this film showed us all the loose ends. It didn't pull its punches - just as real life never will. Reynolds does a really good job playing a concerned father and his on-screen relationship with Breslin is great. As usual, he is good looking and funny, but now his affection for his daughter really makes him a dream catch. It's just the thing to pull in female viewers.

Watch It: For the unique storytelling hook of the plot.

Skip It: If you like your romances straightforward and passion filled. This one would be described more as sweet and endearing.


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