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The Ruins

Rating: R

Movie Release Date: April 4, 2008

DVD Release Date: July 8, 2008

Plot 411: Two college couple enjoying a vacation in Mexico venture off the beaten path to explore a Mayan ruin.

Review: Lame, lame, lame! This movie is lame. Depsite the numerous possibilities that present itself with this premise - college kids, foreign country, alcohol and "ruins." This movie could've been great, but instead, it's lame. The movie stars Jonathan Tucker, Jena Malone, Laura Ramsey, Shawn Ashmore and Joe Anderson. The characters are quite annoyingly juvenile and unlikable throughout, espeically Malone's character. Ashmore is completely unnoticable, unlike his X-Men performances. The kids go hiking off the grid to a archeological dig and get accosted by the locals when they discover a Mayan ruin. The locals won't let them leave and the kids are stuck atop the ruins. Then the "horror" begins.

Watch It: To check out the special effects maybe? All the gruesome stuff was actually pretty interesting.

Skip It: Because the horror aspect is pretty dumb.


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