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Movie Release Date: May 2, 2009 (Japan)

DVD Release Date: November 17, 2009

Plot 411: Hostel on wheels with an even worse plot

Review: Thora Birch stars in this bloodbath of a film that is viciously brutal when not overly sexual. What happened to little Dani from Hocus Pocus? Her character, Alex, is a member of a US wrestling team that is making their way from one city to the next in a tournament. Alex, three teammates and an assistant coach go out partying (insert gratuitous nudity here) after a match only to miss their train the next morning. A freaky-looking Eastern European woman (what a stereotype!) helps the Americans hitch a ride on a different train. Then the movie proceeds from one kill to another in a very thin plot that emphasizes anything gruesome. I admit that I like me some horror with blood and guts every now and again, but this movie just takes it to the extreme and doesn't even do it in a new or clever way. It's as if they brainstormed the worst things imaginable and how to make it happen. I don't want to spoil the movie for you, but I suppose if you do watch this movie it's definitely not for the plot. This movie manages to imply or depict the following: xenophobia, orgies, gang rape, castration (while awake mind you), necrophilia, inbreeding and, organ harvesting. Need I even go on? If you can get yourself past that, the characters (both good and bad) act stupidly and do not do what normal people would do. Even time is messed up in this movie! How can an ocular transplant patient be up and moving and seeing mere days after the surgery?

Watch It: Because maybe you're interested in special effects manufacturing and you want a decent case study.

Skip It: Because besides all the gory details, the movie and its characters are illogical.


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