Rating: R
Movie Release Date: August 6, 2009 (Netherlands) / Auust 7, 2009 (USA)
DVD Release Date: December 29, 2009
Plot 411: A couple honeymoons in Hawaii while killers are on the lose.
Review: I basically watched this movie just to see shots of the Islands. The scenery was really nice, so yay for Hawaii's film and tourism offices. This should've brought a lot of tourists even though the plot of this movie features crazy-ass killers. This movie stars Steve Zahn and Milla Jovovich as Cliff and Cydney Anderson, newlyweds on their honeymoon in Hawaii. While on Kauai, they run into two other couples hiking the Kalalau Trail - Nick (Timothy Olyphant) and Gina (Kiele Sanchez) and Kale (Chris Hemsworth) and Cleo (Marley Shelton). They also find out that a couple on Oahu were murdered and grow suspicious of their new acquaintances as they venture further from civilization. This movie definitely makes you think twice about backpacking into the wild. The pace of the film was a little slow at first, but the action soon ramped up. I'm not sure if it was just me that was a llittle slow on the uptake or nott, but I was completely lost during a very crucial point in the film for a few minutes.
Watch It: For the twist in the plot and the gorgeous Hawaiian landscape.
Skip It: Because some parts of the plot are illogical.
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