Movie Addicts Club is a movie review blog that discusses all genres of film. You'll find the latest hipster indie flick, summer blockbusters, silent screen gems and everything in between. We watch and review everything.


Rating: PG

Movie Release Date:
November 21, 2007

DVD Release Date:
March 18, 2008

Plot 411:
A fairy tale princess finds herself in New York City, has eye-opening adventures and sings through it all.

In full disclosure, I must admit that I like most musicals so to say that I loved this film is probably an understatement. The singing and dancing will probably make this into a Disney classic. The songs were really catchy (I even know someone who sings "Happy Working Song" while working). Amy Adams really steals the show. It would be a popular film even without McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey) and Cyclops (James Marsden) in the mix, but they only serve to hunkify (yeah, I made that up) the film. The blend of animation and real life is amazing, and this movie truly adds a new dimension to the fairy tale genre.

Watch It:
For a contemporary musical filled with timelessly classic techniques.

Skip It:
If your kids repeat everything they like over and over because you will not hear the end of it. The songs are just that great.



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