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Rating: R

Movie Release Date: December 31, 2008

DVD Release Date: June 2, 2009

Plot 411: A group of brothers lead Jews into the forest toward salvation and fight against German soldiers in World War II.

Review: The courageous story of the Bielski brothers hasn't been told before, and this makes the film that much more important historically speaking. The movie stars Daniel Craig (Tuvia), Liev Schreiber (Zus) and Jamie Bell (Asael) as three of four brothers who helped save over a thousand Jews during the war. Despite their great accomplishments, somehow the emotion and significance of the plot doesn't really seem to translate well. You'd think I would feel very connected to these men and really root for their success. But I didn't feel it. The movie didn't draw any emotions out of me. Yes, intellectually I realized that they were in unique circumstances and were still able to overcome adversity, but I didn't feel emotionally connected to the characters. I don't know if that reflects more poorly on the film or on me. What the film did do well is to capture brilliant moments of cinematography that made you forget what you a war film. Whether it is sunlight shining through trees onto people's faces or the soft-covered trees in the middle of winter, the movie was able to capture a real artistic vision. The contrast between the violence and this beauty is ironic.

Watch It: For a new historical perspective that combats stereotypical ideas of Jews as victims. This movie shows that they were strong and resisted what was being done to them even if the odds were against them.

Skip It: If you're looking for a war movie with a lot of outrageous special effects. The bombings and shooting in this movie skew toward realism.


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