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Deliver Us From Evil

Rating: Not Rated

Movie Release Date: October 12, 2006

DVD Release Date: May 8, 2007

Plot 411: A documentary that takes an honest look at the abuses that have occurred and are occurring in the Roman Catholic Church and the church's attempt to cover them up.

Review: This was difficult to watch as the subject matter is not one that most people want to know about. It's horrific and shocking, but this is why I watched it and why others should force themselves to do so as well. This doc takes a close look at the abuse done by members of the Catholic clergy to minors. It interviews one of the clergyman - Father Oliver O'Grady - and several of his victims. The psychological and emotional damage that the victims (and their families) continue to face every day is undoubtedly even more painful than it is portrayed. But from their interviews, it is evident that this has deeply affected their ability to trust and relate to people. What seems even more devastating is that not only were they failed by someone they trusted, they were openly denied any acknowledgment or apology from the church as an institution. None of the clergymen in power admit to having known these sexual abuses, molestations and rapes were happening even though O'Grady's file was filled with complaints. Instead of dealing with the problem, they transferred him to another parish where he would just start up again. You can only wonder how many other incidents weren't reported and how many other priests there are out there who abuse children under the church's blind eye. Father O'Grady's comments in his interviews do not seem to be apologetic for either his actions or those of the church. He is insincere. At times he seems flippant and glib despite the serious nature of the discussion. I can only imagine the betrayal his victims (which could easily be in the hundreds) feel. O'Grady did serve time in prison but was released early and deported to his native Ireland where he is a free man. The documentary also reveals that O'Grady was abused as a child by both his family member as well as a member of the church. The psychological and emotional implications of this shed some light on his behavior (although in no way excuses it) but does not explain how the church can condone it.

Watch It: For a really hard-hitting documentary that'll shift your worldly views.

Skip It: Do not skip this one.


Unknown said...

Not really sure if i'm going to be able to watch this one.. too real and too close to home already.. my two Great Aunts were nuns.. was raised "Cat-lick", attended school, was an altar boy, etc. One of my best H.S. friend's older brother was one of the first priests outed for abuse way back in the 70's (Roemer). My too cute and glib comment, "I feel fortunate that the faith was the only thing jammed down my throat".. what a major moral and social disaster the Catholic Church is.. a cover for a ring of active pedophiles.. to be stuck with a socially unacceptable sexual preference is one thing (a'la MJ), but to institutionalize it in the name of religion simply boggles the mind.. the "Church" should be outlawed and disbanded..

skycastles said...

Yeah, this would be tough to watch if you're that close to it. It was hard for me and I'm not Catholic . . . or very religious for that matter. It completely boggles the mind to think that the church just covers up this behavior. There were segments of official testimony from some of the bishops and one said that because the abuse was against a girl, he didn't make the connection when the same priest abused a boy. Didn't connect it? Also the fact that they knew about O'Grady's problems and just moved him from one church to another without getting him help is crazy! The doc also said that at some point in the past priests were allowed to get married and have families. But because a priest's money went to his family when he died and not to the church, the church had to change that. This is when they instituted the celibacy thing and also when this sexual abuse skyrocketed. Don't know how accurate that is, but money does seem like a plausible reason for starting it up.

Unknown said...

to follow up on that thought, since the Church is one of the wealthiest entities on earth, one strongly suspects that the "no family" thing is about property. To call it celibacy under the circumstances is a charade..
to echo, religion isn't a bad way to explain the world while growing up, but people leading other people in such matters can be a really bad idea..

skycastles said...

Considering that the church as an entity is just as or even more powerful than some nations is scary. I think there's probably nothing more influential on people's lives as the chuch. With all the conspiracy theorists going on about governments and governmental agencies (and they're probably right to some extent), there is no doubt that the church has its own deep, dark secrets that go beyond abuse by clergy. I don't want to get all Da Vinci Code on you, but I'm sure some of that has happened. The church has been in power for a very long time and is a significant part of history. There's no telling what else has been covered up.

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