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Food, Inc.

Rating: PG

Movie Release Date: June 12, 2009

DVD Release Date: November 3, 2009

Plot 411: An eye-opening look inside the food production cycle that feeds America.

Review: I'm a carnivore. I've been one since I was a wee babe. However, after watching this film about corporate America and the food production cycle, I really gotta say that meat doesn't look so good right about now. This film delves into many issues surrounding farming that we, as consumers, probably aren't cognizant of. From chicken, beef and pork to the corn that is grown to feed them, large international companies control the types of food that are available to us. By looking at the bottom line and profits, they are effectively killing people. That's not even counting the their negative effects on the environment. Everyone is affected by this cycle of food production - from the farmer, who harvests crops or raises livestock, to the soccer mom, who purchases the end product. Everything is horribly intertwined and one defect can impact millions. What is even more horrifying is that these large companies don't seem to care about the destruction they're causing. I'm not usually one to get on a soapbox and wave the peace sign around, but people should really watch this film just for its educational value. I learned a lot about things I'd never even took a minute to think about. I don't know if this knowledge will completely change my consumer habits (although it really, really should), but at least I'll be more aware of things as I do my weekly grocery shopping.

Watch It: For a jaw-dropping look at the working conditions, politics, strong-arm tactics and capitalism involved to produce something as simple as a hamburger or a gallon of milk.

Skip It: If slightly graphic images of animals in atrocious conditions make you cringe.


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