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The Trouble With Men And Women

Rating: Not Rated

Movie Release Date: August 9, 2006

DVD Release Date: April 24, 2007

Plot 411: Matt struggles after he's dumped and takes home several one night stands before finally finding something meaningful. But, is it with the right girl?

Review: This was a short movie shot with assumingly a very low budget. It had a mumblecore feel to it, but I'm not exactly sure what distinguishes those types of films from simple low budget fare. In any case, it was shot on a hand held camera that gave the entire movie a documentary feel. There were a lot of blurry (aka artsy) shots, but I don't really think they were effective. Matt (Joseph McFadden) is distraught when his girlfriend Deborah dumps him and leaves for New York. As he ponders the whys of it all, his friend Vinnie (Matthew Delamere) and his girlfriend Susie (Kate Ashfield) try to cheer him up. Vinnie goes even further by taking him out so he can meet new women. But Matt is a romantic at heart and cannot seem to let the idea of Deborah go. Vinnie, on the other hand, freely flirts with other girls despite having a girlfriend of six years. I don't think I'd really recommend this film to anyone unless you're a hardcore film fanatic that needs to watch every single piece of footage out there. This may or may not help you with your own film making techniques and give you ideas for the future. Everything is shot pretty loosely, as if by an amateur. Many of the frames are up close to the actors' faces. It's almost got that home movie quality to it, which I suppose is a style unto itself.

Watch It: For what not to do in your films.

Skip It: Because there are many other films more worthy of your time.


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