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Rating: R

Movie Release Date: January8, 2006

DVD Release Date: January 23, 2007

Plot 411: Recently released from prison, Sherry tries to reconnect with her young daughter while adjusting to life again.

Review: Maggie Gyllenhaal is Sherry, a woman who has served her time in prison and is transitioning into the real world at a half-way house. A former heroin addict, Sherry teeters on the brink of breaking her sobriety. She attends AA meetings and tries to get a job. She also attempts to reconnect with her daughter Alexis (Ryan Simpkins), who has been living with Sherry's brother Bobby (Brad William Henke) and his wife Lynnette (Bridget Barkan). Sherry is eager to have her daughter completely in her custody, but Bobby and Lynnette resist rushing the relationship. Lynnette believes Sherry is a bad mother and doesn't deserve to have Alexis. Bobby just feels sorry for his sister's troubles and tries to be both supportive of her and protective of his niece. Sherry's life outside is desperately unstable. Although she means well and has a good heart, she has difficulties with boundaries and appropriate behavior. This movie is gritty and portrays a piece of real life that is emotionally disturbing at times. However, at other moments, you are given so much hope for Sherry's situation. The difficulties she struggles with are the realities faced by many people. Despite the bad things Sherry does, you cannot help but cheer in her corner and hope for the best.

Watch It: For another impressive and authentic performance by Gyllenhaal.

Skip It: Because this movie is raw, through and through. It doesn't pull any punches at all.


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