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Rating: Not Rated

Movie Release Date: December 5, 1957

DVD Release Date: September 18, 2001

Plot 411: An interracial love story between an American Air Force pilot and a Japanese stage performer blooms amid prejudice in Kobe, Japan.

Review: This is a love story that'll blow you away. This movie is about the racial prejudice of both countries, nationalism and obligation. It is also the story about how deeply love can engulf you and a testament to what lengths people will go to in order to be with the one they love. It is about embracing differences and learning from one another. The movie was shot in Japan and the scenery is beautiful, especially the cherry blossoms. I also love how they were able to incorporate large singing and dancing numbers and include many traditional Japanese theatrical and musical techniques. One thing that gnawed at me throughout this movie was that while I really enjoyed Marlon Brando's performance, he reminded me of a cross between George W. Bush and Matthew McConaughey. His character had a southern accent (and I think he was from Texas but can't be sure), which utterly got on my nerves. It was especially irritating when combined with the good ol' boys, God-bless-America attitude he had in the beginning of the film. I guess he's supposed to represent the American everyman, it was still a bit much for me. But boy did he look good in his dress blues. Another blimp on my radar was that they cast Ricardo Montalban as a Japanese male performer. Could they not have cast an actual Japanese person for the role? It struck me as awkward that they didn't, especially in a movie about racial equality and acceptance. However, other than those personal snarky reactions, I thought this was a true masterpiece.

Watch It: For a lessons on fighting and dying for eternal love.

Skip It: If a love story stretching two and a half hours is just too much for you.

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